Animal nutrition recordings
Below, you'll find a list of all available recordings of SFR on animal nutrition.
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For those interested in a single account, the cost is 1.5 consultancy hours (€282), offering 5 views.
To obtain access to one or more of these videos, please complete this purchase form. Our team will contact you within 1 working day to facilitate the setup of your video account.
Nutrients in swine and poultry nutrition

Presenter: Albert van Dijk
Duration: 1:07 h
Protein and amino acid evaluation in swine

Presenter: Marco de Mik.
Duration: 1:26h
Amino acids are important in swine diet formulations, but different digestibility coefficients are used. What is the added value of diet optimization based on digestible amino acids and the ideal amino acid profile, as well as what are the effects of diet composition on protein digestibility and amino acid utilization?
The presentation focusses on swine nutrition, but is also relevant for poultry
Facts about fats

Presenter: Albert van Dijk
Duration: 37 minutes
Fats and oils are a chemically diverse group of compounds. They have the highest average energy density among all macronutrients, but fats and oils are more than just an energy supplier in animal feed. Some fatty acids can be seen as functional nutrients. They differ in chemical composition and physical characteristics and therefore functionality. The beneficial effects of several fat components on swine performance and health will be discussed during this presentation
The presentation focusses on swine nutrition, but is also relevant for poultry
Refreshments on anatomy of the gastro intestinal tract of poultry

Presenter: Ellen van Eerden
Duration: 16 minutes
Refreshment of your knowledge for a better understanding of the intestinal tract and to support further learning on poultry nutrition.
Promoting intestinal health in piglets

Presenter: Anne Huting
Duration: 58 minutes
The significant increase in litter size in the last years has resulted in lower average piglet birth weights and decreased uniformity within the litter. Consequently, piglet viability decreased, resulting in decreased piglet growth and increased mortality, especially during the first days after farrowing. What nutritional strategies can help the sow to improve litter uniformity and piglet’s birth weight?
Understanding diarrhea

Presenter: Marco de Mik
Duration: 58 minutes
The aim of this video is to understand the dynamics of diarrhoea and its different relevant pathological changes based on the physiological processes typical of gastrointestinal tract.
Diarrhoea is a significant problem in many herds and for many species. Despite improvements in management and veterinary care, gastroenteric disease remains a primary cause of mortality and loss of animal performance.
An imbalance between absorption and intestinal secretion process due to changes in the water and electrolytes transport is critical in the diarrheal diseases pathogenesis. The pathophysiological mechanisms are associated with specific characteristics of each cause.