Seminar Poultry "Day old chick quality"

This seminar is aiming at poultry nutritionists, hatchery managers, and technical managers of poultry integration companies that want to gain up-to-date knowledge on aspects related to day-old-chick quality.

Furthermore, participants from feed additive producers and others specifically involved with the feeding of broiler breeders and young chicks are also invited to attend this seminar. 

The seminar will be organised on Thursday 30 November, 2023. The seminar can be attended on location at “De Schakel” (Oranjelaan 10, 3862 CX, Nijkerk), or via a livestream.

This seminar will be held from 09.30 AM till 16.30 PM (CEST).


You can view the full programme here.


The costs are €528 excl. VAT (or 3 consultancy hours)


To attend the seminar, please register before 29 November 2023 using the registration button below. Please indicate if you want to attend on location or via the livestream in the registration form.



09:00 - 09:30: Registration and coffee
09:30 - 16:00: Seminar

  • Opening and introduction
    Francesc Molist – Schothorst Feed Research

  • Effect of incubation conditions on chick quality
    Dr. Roos Molenaar – Wageningen University & Research (WUR)

10:30: Coffee break

  • Experiences with early feeding of broilers under semi-practical conditions
    Dr. Ir. Sander Lourens -

  • Managing breeder poultry flocks to optimise hatchability and chick health
    Rick van Emous, PhD - Wageningen Livestock Research (WLR)

12:15 - 13:15: Lunch break

  • Title to be confirmed
    Jesse Heijmans, PhD - De Heus Animal Nutrition

  • Quality of the day-old chicken
    Lars Agner Christensen and John Ammitzbøll - DanHatch A/S

14:45: Coffee break          

  • Title to be confirmed
    Ing. Kris de Baere - Proefbedrijf Pluimveehouderij vzw

  • Wrap up and conclusions
    Francesc Molist – Schothorst Feed Research

16:00: Drinks


Vierkant Roos Molenaar
Vierkant Rick van Emous
Vierkant Jesse

On location or via livestream

This seminar can be attended on location at "De Schakel" or via livestream.


For who?

This seminar is a must attend for nutritionists, purchasing managers, product managers of feed producers and feed additive producers and others involved in the feed and allied industry.